- auditory tube
- евстахиева (слуховая) труба
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
Auditory tube — The tube that runs from the middle ear to the pharynx, also known as the Eustachian tube. The function of this tube is to protect, aerate and drain the middle ear (and mastoid). Occlusion of the Eustachian tube leads to the development of middle… … Medical dictionary
auditory tube — noun either of the paired tubes connecting the middle ears to the nasopharynx; equalizes air pressure on the two sides of the eardrum • Syn: ↑Eustachian tube • Hypernyms: ↑salpinx • Part Holonyms: ↑middle ear, ↑tympanic cavity, ↑tympanum … Useful english dictionary
auditory tube — noun Date: 1855 eustachian tube … New Collegiate Dictionary
auditory tube — ear trumpet, device which improves the hearing of someone who has defective hearing … English contemporary dictionary
Pharyngeal opening of auditory tube — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = ostium pharyngeum tubae auditivae GraySubject = 244 GrayPage = 1141 Caption = Front of nasal part of pharynx, as seen with the laryngoscope. (Pharyngeal ostium labeled at bottom right.) Caption2 = External… … Wikipedia
Sulcus for auditory tube — Infobox Bone Name = PAGENAME Latin = s. tubae auditoriae, s. tubae auditivae GraySubject = 35 GrayPage = 150 Caption = Caption2 = System = Precursor = MeshName = MeshNumber = DorlandsPre = s 28 DorlandsSuf = 12770193 The lateral half of the great … Wikipedia
lateral lamina of cartilage of auditory tube — lamina lateralis cartilaginis tubae auditivae [TA] the smaller of the two laminae that compose the tubal cartilage; it lies in the lateral wall of the auditory tube … Medical dictionary
medial lamina of cartilage of auditory tube — lamina medialis cartilaginis tubae auditivae [TA] the larger of the two laminae that compose the tubal cartilage; it lies in the medial wall of the auditory tube … Medical dictionary
Tube — A long hollow cylinder. There are many tube like structures in the human body, such as the auditory tube (Eustachian tube) in the ear. * * * 1. A hollow cylindrical structure or canal. 2. A hollow cylinder or pipe. SYN: tuba [TA]. [L. tubus]… … Medical dictionary
Tube, auditory — The tube that runs from the middle ear to the pharynx, also known as the Eustachian tube. The function of this tube is to protect, aerate and drain the middle ear (and mastoid). Occlusion of the Eustachian tube leads to the development of middle… … Medical dictionary
Tube, Eustachian — The tube that runs from the middle ear to the pharynx. The function of the Eustachian tube is to protect, aerate and drain the middle ear (and mastoid). Occlusion of the Eustachian tube leads to the development of middle ear inflammation (otitis… … Medical dictionary